Carole Dubois



   Carole Dubois

News  -  Nouvelles



October 2021


Carole Dubois 














May 2018



Carole has been jury selected for the "Light of the Carribean" Art Exhibition

by NCAHM and Art Impact international


Carole's Musicalart™© paintings


Roots Rock Reggae 


Island in the Sun


will be presented at this prestigious event



The NCAHM and MCAC Exhibition






March 2018


Breaking News - Dernières nouvelles



Carole has been jury selected as a Golden Artist

by Art Impact International of Washington, DC,



Carole's Musicalart™© paintings






Rhapsody in Blue


will be presented at this prestigious event



Art Impact International Art Exhibition



The Art Impact International Golden Art Exhibition 2018













October 2017


Exhibition - Exposition




À présenté son nouveau et original Style Signature

- Presented her new and original Signature Style














August 2017


ART Impact USA Art Exhibition 2017


Climax Best of the Best



Carole Dubois was selected as a Notable Artist

for a USA Art Exhibition in Washington, DC.,



Carole Dubois' "Musicalart™©" painting




was selected










*New collection  -  *Nouvelle collection


"MusicalArt™©" - "ArtMusical™©"


Carole has created a new and original Signature Style of paintings entitled

"MusicalArt" or "ArtMusical"